Member detail

Immersive modder
- Country
- GB
- Kudos
- 3,057
- Mods released
- 67
- Mod downloads
- 14,511,309
- NexusMods
- @deceptious
Top rated released mods
Judy Romanced Enhanced
Adds a few different states for Judy to be in when you visit her apartment once romanced; no longer stuck to her window. Includes the hug mod! Now with the option to kiss her
Panam Romanced Enhanced
Panam now Eats, Drinks, Sleeps and uses her phone around the Aldecaldos' camp, and showers, if you have romanced her. V can chat with and hug her at any of her activity spots, and her bed also now works more reliably. Updated for patch 1.6 and REDmod version available
Deceptious Quest Core
Core/framework mod file that allows for multiple quest type mods to use a single hook
Night City Interactions - Core
The core mod for the Night City Interactions mods/addons. On its own it contains the Edgerunners Tour meta quest that features locales from each of the Edgerunners anime episodes. This mod is required for all NCI Addons, handles their execution, and holds their shared localisation resources.